wool diaper liner
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Babee Greens Wool Diaper Liner. Size before washing is 11 x 4.75 inches.  Made in USA.

Turn your daytime wools into night-worthy wools! 

What in the world would you use a WOOL diaper liner for? Well, there are 2 ways to use it. One is next to baby as a night stay dry layer. The other is not next to baby, but instead next to the diaper cover after the absorbency. Wool both resists and absorbs moisture. Huh? How can that be? Try it and you'll see it's true. This is why wool is the best at night. A wool diaper cover is water resistant, yet when the diaper becomes saturated at night, instead of a leak which you would get in a PUL cover when moisture has nowhere left to go, the wool will absorb. At night in soaked situations, the wool will become damp instead of the bed sheets. Then just air out the wool cover and re-use it the next day. Wool really does air to fresh through many re-uses. So now that you understand how wool diaper covers work, you'll see what a wool liner can do. There are many ways to use it, however it is NOT a doubler/insert - it does not add absorbency. It is very thin and does not hold on to wetness. It is a wetness barrier, thus it is called a liner and not a doubler. 

The "alternate use" is as a night stay dry. You put the wool next to baby's skin then stack up lots of cotton under that and then use whatever cover you want to over it all. It is important to keep the wool right up next to where the pee comes out, and not sagging away. Because wool will resist moisture, you have to have it right there so that the pee will go through it, otherwise the pee could roll off and out because wool doesn't absorb as quickly as cotton does, thus placement not sagging away is important.   Then the pee will go through it and it works as a natural fabric stay-dry. This really only works at night though. In daytime, baby moves around a lot more and you are more likely to get sagging and the pee can splash out because the wool will not absorb quickly like cotton does.

Care instructions: Rinse the wool liner first thing in the morning with a little vinegar to cut the pee/ammonia and then very gently handwash with a gentle soap such as olive oil soap or any gentle detergent or wool wash of your choice. I like Dr. Bronners bar soap or Kiss my Face Olive oil soap. I'm not trying get a lot of lanolin on it because I want the pee to go through it. Eucalan will work but lanolizing isn't necessary. For a rashy baby, you can use lanolin on baby's bottom as cream and it's ok for that to get on the wool liner. The wool as a stay-dry layer can make the difference between needing a night-change or not.  Wool will felt over time even with careful hand washing, so do have reasonable expectations.  

Once felted you can switch to using them the other (and intended) way - outside of the absorbency, as an extra layer of wool next to the cover. The intended way to use this is as the lowest layer just inside the diaper cover (against the inside of the diaper cover - touching the cover) but outside the cotton diaper for extra absorbency/waterproofing. This is a great strategy for leak prevention when a diaper cover is really worn out an starting to wick moisture through the fabric. Really, that cover needs replacing, but the wool liner can make a dead cover work for a while longer. The way I usually use them is in my daytime wool outside the diaper next to the wool cover. This makes my daytime wool covers car ride or nighttime worthy. Adding 1 or two of these adds more wool. When using them this way, the effect is to make a thick wool cover out of a thin one. This is great and this is how I use them. I can now use my "daytime wools" for night by adding wool liners. So if you own 1 night wool and a daytime wool, when your regular nighttime wool is still wet from being washed, you need to have a spare cover for nighttime on hand. But the night wools are expensive. Having wool liners to turn your day wools into night wools means you don't have to buy a second nighttime wool. Ta da! Money savings, and it works great. You can also beef up your night wool by adding a wool liner to it if you need to. Extra wool in there stops compression leaks. Some will use it is as the lowest layer next to the PUL in a pocket diaper, because wool absorbs. Some will use it folded in half, or not folded, inside your bra for a nighttime breast pad. These are 1 layer of Okeo Tex 100 certified merino wool. They are thin since they are just 1 layer, which makes them easy to wash and quick to dry, but we recommend that you purchase 3 of them to have what you need to get the job done. I'd really like to only offer 3-packs but we are selling them individually in order to keep the price as low as possible so it's easier to just try one and see what it does. If you have never tried wool before, this is an inexpensive way to try a little wool and see and feel how soft it is and learn about wool. Hand washing is recommended. If you machine wash them often they will shrink and felt to about half their size. When felted like that they will no longer work as a diaper liner but they will become dense. They can still be used as a bullet-proof as a nighttime extra layer in the wet-zone for stopping wool compression leaks when used outside the diaper and inside the wool cover and they'll still stay soft, though. Hand washing is intended and recommended. Machine washing will over-felt and shrink them. Please hand wash. Size before washing is 11 x 4.75 inches.

Made in USA of imported fabric.

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