
Unbleached cotton is not whitened and not bleached. Thus, you can often see the little brown and black flecks that are normally present in cotton. These specks are normal. Some of it will wash out in the initial prep washes and some of it will not. It's fine. You don't typically see them in cotton because cotton is normally bleached, whitened or otherwise pretreated so that these flecks are not visible. No worries. They are normal and are first quality. If the flecking bothers you, choose whitened cotton.


Flecking amount will vary and it will get much lighter over time with more washing. The little hanging thread in the corner of the picture on the baby should be trimmed with scissors. Some corner frays and hanging corner threads are normal and should be trimmed with scissors. If a fray goes past the vertical edge stitch, that is a defect. Please use the Contact Us link if that happens.

flecking on baby

 flecking in unbleached cotton unbleached prefold


Unwashed.  After prepping, many of the flecks will have been washed away. Anything that is a particle in the cotton will disappear with the several prep washes. The way to fully hide the flecks is to use chlorine or oxygen bleach, otherwise but some will likely remain visible after many washes. It is normal part of the less-processed unbleached cotton. It's is ok.

 spots on diaper

close up of cotton New, unwashed unbleached cotton.  Most of this will disappear with washing.