Diaper Pins

GMD Slide-Lock head pins: go to item ordering page button

Free pins with certain pinnable items: go to item ordering page button

Lubricate the pins in a bar of soap.

Lubricating pins by pushing the point into a bar of gentle bar soap before using helps any pin slide, so do lubricate your pins!  If your soap comes with paper over it, keep the paper on to help the bar stay fresh longer and not dry out.   

Watch a video to learn how to pin a prefold diaper. 

How to use the slide-lock head to open and close the pin


pinned intermediate prefold

medium red edge prefold pinned 16 pounds

diaper pins


pinned muslin flat diaper on 3.5 month old 13 lb baby

Slide-Lock Diaper Pins

how to use slide lock diaper pins

slide lock diaper pins nappy pin Slide-lock pins

Slide-Lock head pins: go to item ordering page button

Traditional safety head diaper pins: go to item ordering page button

ONE free pair of FREE pins are available with purchase of certain pinnable items (prefolds, birdseye flat diapers or Workhorse No-Closure). Please put the free pins in your cart if you want them. Free pins link