Our Adoption Story
China!!! Introducing our new daughter!
Updated pictures at age 8 3/4 months. 8 more weeks until I meet my mommy!
Kimmie at 8 3/4 months old, almost 15 pounds fully dressed.
Right is 2 3/4 months old.
Beijing touring before I (Karen) meet Kimmie.
Karen at The Great Wall, Mutianyu section.
Peking duck in Beijing! Duck for lunch in a private room. Very classy. Note the facemask for SARS prevention.
Chairman Mao
Flying to Nanchang tomorrow. Could tomorrow be Gotcha Day or will it be Tuesday?
Hard Labor- on the bus to the Civil Affairs office where we will receive our babies in about 2 hours



Hello USA! I'm coming home soon!

Sleeping on the bus. Kimmie is not that excited about having just received her Chinese Passport.
Showing some personality. Yes, I'm the only nut to use cloth diapers while travelling half way around the world. This is an Aristocrat size small. I knew it would fit no matter how big or little she was. No leaks ever. Love it.
Hey, Emma took all of my toys! Kimmie is a bit shy. But hey, Emma is 3 months older than Kimmie. Moments after this picture we saw Emma take her very first crawling steps.
At the breakfast buffet
The view from my window of Nanchang. The fishmarket in the foreground is very loud from 4:00 am to 6:00 am. The air is very, very polluted.
This is how we get around in Nanchang, Jiangxi. Kimmie rides in a sling.
White Swan Hotel, Guangzhou, China.
All of us on the Red Couch at the White Swan.
We are home!
Playing with my brother and sister.
Daddy loves me, too.
Our Christmas picture
Praise God for our new daughter! To Him be the honor and glory forever.
Once upon a time there was a woman would could not bear children anymore. She was content with the blessings she already had. Then one day, the Lord spoke into her heart. "I know the plans that I have for you. Plans to prosper you, and not to harm you. I am the creator and sustainer of all things. I have made a daughter for you far away."
The woman answered, "Here am I. Send me."
But the woman continued. "Lord, I will do your will. But I want my daughter NOW. You've placed this daughter in my heart. Why do you keep her from me so long? My heart aches because she is not here with me. Who is caring for her? Who is feeding her? Who is picking her up when she cries? Lord, I cannot wait!"
The Lord answered, "Woman, wait you must. I am caring for her. My ways are above your ways. My timing is perfect. It may seem as though I tarry, but I am patient. I am teaching you patience. I am teaching you to trust me."
"Lord, remove this cup of waiting and separation from me. Bring her to me while she is still a young baby, so that I can nurse her and nurture her, for your glory. But Lord, if that is not your will, may your will be done, not mine."

One year later, Christmas
In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons, through Jesus Christ... Ephesians 1:5
Kimmies 2nd Birthday picture.
age 3.5 years

Update, age 4.5 years:

Adoption day on left, 7th birthday on right
Why adopt when we already had two wonderful biological children? Find out why here.